영어회화 1~5강

1강  be,get,become 

- be 상태
- get 상태의 변화
- become 변화의 결과

1년 전까지만 해도 우리는 완전히 모르는 사이였어.
근데 (우리가) 어떤 파티에서 만나고 나서, 우리는 아주 가까워졌어
지금은 제일 친한 친구가 됬어.

Up untill a year ago, we were complete strangers.
But after we met at a party, we got really close(r).
Now, we have become best friends.

나 엄청 아팠었어
근데 시간이 좀 지나면서 많이 나아졌어.
그리고 지금은 완전히 치료됬어.

I was really sick.
But after some time,
I got better , i got (a lot/ much) better.
And now I have become completely cured.

He was the slowest person in our class.
But he exercised really hard,
and he got much faster.

Now, he has become the fastest
person in our class.

That place used to be completely empty,
But after a lot of development,
the place got much more popular.

And now it has become one of the most
popular places in my neighborhood.


2강 시제(Tense) 

Exercise Routine

I used to eat only pepperoni pizza.
But one day, a friend said that i should try a hawaiian pizza.
And so i did. And i liked it! it was really good!
So, I started eating Hawaiian that i want a pizza,
I've been getting the hawaiian rather than the pepperoni.
(get을 쓰는 이유 = 주문,통합,먹다 다양한 상황에서 쓸 수 있는 단어이다)
And nowdays, I only eat Hawaiian. I cant't eat pizza without pineapple toppings.

- Userd to~
- Started + ing
- Since then, + have been + ing
- nowdays

이런 시제 흐름을 정확히 이해하고 자연스럽게 내뱉자.


3강 ~하려고 할 때

"오늘 아침에, 집에서, 막 아침을 다 먹고 딱 나오려고 하고 있는데
갑자기 화장실이 너무 급했어, 그래서 늦었어."

This morning, i was at home.
I had just eaten breakfast.
Just as I was about to leave,
I had to go to the bathroom really bad."

"어제 밤에, 막 퇴근을 하고 나서, 사무실 건물 밖에서(앞에서)
딱 버스를 타려고 하고 있는데~ 지갑을 안가지고 온거야."

Last night, I had just gotten off work.
I was in front of my office building.
And just as i was about to take the bus,
I noticed (that) I didn't have my wallet with me.

So what did you do?!

What else could i do?!

나 : I had to go back up to get it.

사건이 이어지기 까지의 일련의 과정들을 묘사하면 좋은 이야기를 전달 할 수 있다.

"며칠 전에, 학교 도서관에서, 레포트를 막 다 작성하고 나서 이제 딱 교수님한테 보낼려고 하고 있는데, 와이파이 연결에 문제가 생긴거야 ."

A few days ago, I was in the school library.
I had just finished (typing up) my report.
And just as I was trying to send it to my professor,
I started having problems with my Wi-Fi connection!

"오늘 아침에 집에서 막 일어나고 나서 화장실 가려고 걸어가고 있는데
아래층에서 엄마가 누구랑 얘기하고 계시는거야."

This moring, i was at home.
I had just gotten up.
And just as I was walking over to the bathroom,
I heard mother talking to someone downstairs.

"3년 전에 막 졸업을 하고 나서 취업을 하려고 하고 있는데
갑자기 저희 삼촌이 돌아가셨어요.

3 years ago, I had just graduated from school
and just as I was getting ready to
get(find) a job, my uncle passed away.


4강 일상생활에서 쓸 수있는 표현

"어제 백화점에 갔어.
정말 마음에 드는 코트가 있었어.
점원이 그게 마지막이라고 그랬어.
그래서 그냥 그걸 바로 살 수도 있었어. "

*Could have p.p : ~ 할 수도 있었어.

Yesterday, I went to the department store.
There was a coat that i really liked.
The clerk said that it was the last one.
I could have just bought(gotten) it, right away.

"근데, 더 좋은게 있는지 확인해보고 싶었어.
근데 , 더 좋은게 없었어/ 좋은걸 못찾았어.
근데, 그 첫번째 가게로 다시 돌아갔을 때에는 이미 누가 그 코트를 사간 후 였어.
(= 과거보다 더과거(대과거)에 일어난 일이라서. Had already p.p를 쓸 수 있다.
살 수 있었을 때, 그걸 내가 샀어야 했어."

I wanted to see if there was anything(something) better.
But i couldnt find anything better.
But by the time I went back to the first store,
someone had already purchased(bought) that coat.
I should have bought(gotten) it when I had the chance.

* ~했어야 했어, (Should have p.p)


5강 했나보다, 햇을 수도 있다. (추측) must have,might have ,couldn't have

*Must have
1. ~했나봐 .  you must have been hungry, dude!   you are fustrated.
2. ~했던 모양이야 
3. ~했겠다.

*Might have
1. 했었을 수도 있다. "He might have just gotten sick."
2. 했던 것이었을 수도 있다

*It's because  + <>  더워서 그래, 배고파서 그랬어, 피곤해서 그래.
 It's hot , I am tired.

*Couldn't have been
:It couldn't have been because he was sick and tired of the job
:It couldn't have been because he got tired of the job

"제 친구 중 하나가, 최근에 일을 그만뒀어요.
글쎄요, 상사랑 문제가 좀 있었나봐요.
그게 아니라면, 몸이 갑자기 안좋아졌떤 것일 수도 있고요
어쨌든(어느 쪽이든 간에), 걔가 그 일이 질려서 그랬었을리가 없어.

One of my friends recently quit his/her job.
I don't know, she must have had some problems with her boss.
Either that or, he might have had some health problems.
EIther way, It couldn't have been because he got tired of his job.

( I'm guessing she must've had some problems) 의미를 풍부하게 하기 위해서
guess와 must have pp 쓸 수는 있지만, 중복되는 말이다.

출처 유투브 라이브 아카데미 저자님의 강의 내용을 기록하고 공부하고자
글로 남겼습니다.  감사의 말씀 전합니다.


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