영어회화 (6~10)

o 6강

*어떤 것을 관찰하고 상태가 어떤지 표현하는 법을 배우자.

* 상태를 표현하는 Be동사 대신 지각동사를 쓰자.

This feels heavy.
This is heavy.

"방금 여기 오는 길에,
혼자서 방황하는 개를 봤어, "
굉장히 지저분해 보였아.
몇 달은 못 씻은 것 처럼 보였어.
보나마나 주인도 없는 개였는데,
가장 최악이었던 것은 애가 너무 마른거야 - 가죽이랑 뼈 밖에 안남은 것 처럼 보였다니깐.

Just now(before), on my way here,
I saw a dog that was wondering around by itself
It looked really dirty.
It looked like it hadn't washed(taken a bath) in several months.
It was pretty clear that it didn't have an owner.
The worst thing(part) was the dog was so thing(skinny)
It almost looked as if it had nothing left but(except) its skin and bones.

(It almost looked like  -> as if )

I saw a man who was smoking
I saw a woman holding a baby.
There were children playing in the park.


o 7강

"최근에 세탁기를 사서 어제 도착했어요.
근데 막상 보니까 생각보다 훨씬 큰거에요.
화장실에 넣을려고 그랬는데 안들어가는거에요.
그래서 뭐, 어쩔 수 없었죠 - 그냥 반품 시켰죠.
그렇다고 (그것을) 침실에 놓고 사용할 수는 없잖아요?
근데 다른 모델을 찾고 배송 일정을 다시 잡고
이게 다 너무 귀찮아서 그냥 환불처리하고 예전에 쓰던거 계속 쓰기로 했어요 "

Recently, I bought a new laundry machine and it arrived yesterdaty.
It turned out to be much bigger than i though.
I was going to put it in my bathroom,
So, you know, there wasn't anything I could do. I had to send it back.
It's not like I could keep it in my bedroom, right?
But, you know, it just felt like too much trouble looking for a different model and
scheduling another delivery,
I just canceld the purchase.

샀는데 환불했다 얘기 할때는 그냥 Send it back or canceled the purchase.

구매 취소 와 환불과정에 따른 단어는 굳이 안써도 된다. not refund.


o 8강

A: 저 지금 점심 먹으러 나갈까 하는데, 같이 가실래요?
: I'm thinking of going out for some lunch,
do you want to come with me?
do you want to come along?
do you want to join (me/us) ?

B:좋아요, 근데 지금 제가 뭘 좀 하고 있어서요.
조금만 기다려 줄래요? 5분이면 되요.
:Oh, sure, That sounds great!.
But, you know, I'm in the middle of something right now,
Could you wait for me a little bit? Like 5 minutes? or It will take only 5/10 minutes.

A:네 알았어요 . 아래층에 가 있을게요.
:okay. I will be downstairs.
     I will be in my car.
     I will be right outside.

B: 네 최대한 빨리 갈게요
: I will be there as soon as i can.
  I do my best to +

A: 괜찮아요, 천천히 하세요.
 : That's okay. Take your time.


o 9강 "아직" 이라는 단어를 영어로 표현해보자

A: "다음달 연휴 때, 무슨 계획 있어요?"
B: "네, 부모님이랑 짧게 여행을 가게 될지도 몰라요.
 근데, 아직 확실한 건 아니에요.
 -아직까지는 어디에 갈지만 정해놓은 상태고요,
 -아직 정확한 날짜도 안(못)정했어요.
 -게다가 그 주에 근무일정이 어떻게 될지 상사랑 아직 얘기를 해봐야 하는 상황이에요

A: Do you have any plans? | Are you up to anything?  |Do you have any plans during the holidays next month?

B: I might be going on a short trip with my parents.
  But, It's not for sure yet.
So far, we've only decided where to go.
We haven't even decided on a specific date yet
I still have to check with my boss about +
what my work schedule is going to look like. during that week

*아직까지는 ~~만 된 상태다  - so far
*아직까지 ~도 못했다/안했다 - haven't even ~~ + yet
*아직 ~~해야 된다 ~still + have to
*go on a trip  여행을 가다

어땠니? 1. How was it?
           2. What was it like?


o 10강

A: 어떻게 됐어? 학교에서는 연락 왔어?
B: 아니 사실은 지원서를 아직 작성중이야.
A: 어? 어떻게 된거야? 벌써 제출했을 줄 알았는데
B: 오타가 있을까봐 밤새 검토했어
 --부주의해 보이면 안되잖아.
 --책임감이 부족하다는 인상을 주고 싶진 않아.
 --오타를 발견하고 (지원서를) 끝까지 읽어보지도 않으면 어떻게?

A: How did it go? How is it going?
 Did you hear (anything) from the school? Have you heard from ~
B: I'm still working on my application.
 = No , actually  I'm still working on my application.
A: what happened? I though you would have ('ve) submitted it by now.
B: I was afraid there might be some typos.
   I was up all night double-checking it.
 -- I don't want to look(seem) careless.
 -- I don't want them + to think that I lack responsibility.
 -- What if they find a typo and don't even read through the entire application?

* ~~ 할거라고 생각했어.
* ~~ 했을거라고 생각했어.
 ex) I though you would've quit your job by now.
      I though you would've gotten married by now.
      I though you would've gotten(become) really good at it by now.
      I though you would've (been) finished/ended by now.

* ~~ 을 주고 싶지 않아
: I don't want them + to think that i lack i responsiblity


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